Saturday 13 April 2013

Something light today..............

Why is it that just before you get your period you feel so incredibly horny??

Well they say a good orgasm helps with menstrual cramps! bahahaha

My hubby would like to know why most men FEAR a 'Strong Woman'? 

This so describes my day, today.

I am excited people. Sunday hubby and I are having a DATE DAY. We are getting the boys babysat and going out to the movies. I can't wait. The movie isn't really anything I know much about except it has Tom Cruise in it, but I don't care. Movie, alone with  my man, and then PIZZA to bring home to the kids. PERFECT.

That is why today I made sure all the chores got done so that we are as free as birds for our date.

Just for the giggle. I do really like this one..........

A little embarrassing........I guess one should really be sure of ones nuts!

Life is too short. It is too fast. We waste so much time fussing over this and that, and living in the past,and worrying about the future that we forget about the present. I am very guilty of the fact. I catch myself doing it all the time.  When I stop and really think about the things I am stressing about, I can rationalise most of them about by counting all the real blessings I have right now. I have a man who loves me. Three children who shouldn't be here, who are healthy, happy, and beautiful. I have pets. I have a roof over my head, and a job. I am blessed.

Be happy people. LOVE lots. Forgive. You have today. Make it count.


  1. The one about the umbrella made me chuckle and recall that years ago when it rained most people wore galoshes over their shoes. They were commonly known as "rubbers".

    I hope you enjoyed a really great date. We expect a FULL report on it.

  2. Glad it gave you a chuckle. We call them 'GUM BOOTS!'

    Sadly the date didn't happen. A full report will be coming.

  3. Think I know what was on your mind young lady when you wrote this...hehe

    Sorry date day didnt happen but I am sure you and hubby will have plenty of other special times together
