Saturday 10 August 2013

Feeling Positive...........

It's been a long day, started a 5 am and pretty much has been non stop. Work, shopping, washing, cooking, house work, all the usual mummy stuff. The last few weeks have been pretty much a run-a-thon of same day, same old things. Just very busy. I just had to stop and take stock of all the good in-between stuff, that happens in the busy.

But this week even though it has had it's up's and downs...down's mainly work related bullshit, but it was sorted quickly to which I was grateful for. I was more annoyed that this lady I bent over backwards for to help, she wrote in and accused me of not wanting to help her.

Utter bullocks, and the camera footage proves it, plus the fact that I apparently I get weekly positive comments on my customer service, to which I never hear about by the way, but the first bad one, which actually had not named me, but the boss felt the need to go through a weeks worth of camera footage to find out, she halls me in her office and asks me to explain. I was pretty pissed off. Later she attempted to say sorry in her way, after checking through my story, and matching it with footage, and other staff witnesses.'s ME! When am I EVER MEAN to my CUSTOMERS. It was totally laughable. I was guttered she did write such a thing...some people just like to complain. She was most likely hoping to get a gift voucher or something? I was 30 mins late home because of her, and it was service with a smile all the way. How can people lie like that? That hurt most of all. It left me wondering what other people say about me, as I have found out they do, all the time, and I never get told a thing about those ones, you know the GOOD STORIES! 

But I do not want to dwell on that...or my HUGE Electric bill...OUCH! Thank goodness for credit cards!

I want to focus on what is good. On what makes me happy, and this week I had a few things to be very happy about.

  1. We got our lease renewal. Yeah, doing the happy dance.
  2. They didn't put the rent up. Utterly unheard of and a first for us.
  3. We are finally after 12 months getting a new stove, maybe in as little as a week.
  4. This makes the longest home we have ever lived in, in our whole married life together.
  5. Child 3 gets his new speech teacher this Monday to start one on one teaching with him, every Monday fortnight. He needs all the help he can get, and this will really help his reading and writing along.
  6. Child 1 is doing really well at TAFE.
  7. Child 2 is learning his fractions now that mummy and daddy have been making him do homework every night after school.
  8. Child 2 stayed in drama class, which he loves, but was going to drop out of because of a boy at school who gives him a hard time sometimes who is also going to drama. Child 3 wants to go too, so he is attending bring a friend along night to see how he goes. I think it will be good for him too.
  9. Hubby and I can still find moments in each day to laugh, hug, smile, and share.
  10. That wee after your shift has ended, and you have been hanging on for about 2 hours.........BLISS! Best wee of the day that one.
  11. A snug warm bed, heaven right.
  12. New Willy Wonka Chocolate...Triple choc ripple something....just try it...YUM!
  13. A Hug from my kids, for no reason.
  14. A clean sink free of dirty dishes.
  15. All the washing done.
  16. Being flirted with at work today by a man I wasn't even serving. He asked me if there was a man in my life I was giving any trouble to? I laughed and said yes. Then he said that I was gorgeous  and he (hubby) had a real catch, and I should tell him he has the best wife ever, lucky man. Now that never happens, not to me, and I can say it was very flattering. Not a bad thing to boost the old ego hey? I accepted it too. Yes I did, with a big THANK YOU. Oh and yes ....I did pass on the man's message! 
  17. My car. I am so glad I bit the bullet and went into debt for that beautiful machine. It is a dream to drive.
  18. My physio. She always makes time for me, and despite her tortuous ways, she really does care for me. When I was out of work a few months ago, she even gave me a freebie. I was so shocked. She is a sweet woman. I trust her completely.
  19. Friends. My friends who are there when I need a laugh, a hug, and chat, and shopping buddy, or just an ear to listen to me. I would be lost with you. You know who you are.
  20. Let's see, my body. Yes even my body, it  may be a bit vintage, but I can still walk, still care for myself, well most of the time, and for now still put on my shoes and socks, and for that I am really grateful for. 
  21. My Job. Even on a bad day, I still love my job, and really enjoy my customers. Yes they are mine. They come and see me, and each week they share more and more of their world with me. In just a few minutes they make my day that much brighter. I do have a few favourites, and each week it  is like a mini catch up. I look forward to it as much as they do.  

There I have so much to be happy for. It is so important to remember that, even when things look bad, and you are having a hard time. Somewhere, someone else is having a much harder time. We must always find at least one thing to be happy for each day.

Life is short. Be happy, and always be grateful. LOVE it really can heal the world.

HUGS .....


  1. Love love love this post. There s always something to be grateful and happy about, even on the most craptacular day ever.
    It could always be worse.

  2. I couldn't agree more. Glad you liked it.
