Saturday 8 December 2012

Pranks......NOT COOL!!

Nurse In Duchess Kate's Phone Hoax Found Dead From Apparent Suicide

Friday 12/07/12
In a shocking and tragic turn of events, the nurse who took the prank call to Duchess Kate in the hospital has been found dead from an apparent suicide. INSIDE EDITION reports.

Now this story has left me feeling very sad.

Pranks are NEVER funny. They hurt people. It is a laugh at the expense of someone else. Not COOL.

When I was in my early teens  I was a victim of a prank call. We had not long had the phone out in. It was a big deal. 

I was home alone one night, and was having a shower before bed. The phone rang, so I grabbed a towel and went rushing to answering it. On the other end was a man/boy who told me that he knew I was alone, and that he wasn't far away. He said he had been watching me, and that he and his mate, where coming over very soon, and they were going to show me a REALLY GOOD TIME!

Lucky guess, I am sure that they had no idea who I was, or if I was indeed alone. I couldn't call my mother, remember these were the days when mobile phones didn't exist, so I did the next best thing, I FREAKED OUT.

Now these boys! Would have had no idea that the girl they had basically just told they were coming over to rape, was only just recently getting over being sexually abused. I was so scared. Dripping wet, I just grabbed my night dress and slipped in on over my wet body, and I ran. It was winter, so it was very dark, and cold outside. All I could think of was RUN. GET OUT, RUN.
I left our house wide open. Front door ajar, lights on, I didn't stop to grab a dressing gown or slippers, I just ran.
I reached the door of our recently moved into the area neighbours. Thinking back I was lucky I chose their house, but what if I had chosen wrong and ran from the flames into the fry pan?  I banged on their door like a raving lunatic. I was on auto pilot. I could have run across the street and got hit by a car! I just knew I had to get away. 

I was in shock, and not making much sense. I was just crying, and saying 'he is going to rape me.' My neighbour took me inside and took me upstairs to his wife, and sat me by the heater, and his wife got me a blanket while a shivered uncontrollably on their lounge chair.Their little boy, who was about 2 came and sat next to me and just stared.

They wanted to call the police, and the doctor, as they though someone had actually hurt me. I must have looked a right sight. I had climbed the fence and went through some bushes. Once I stopped crying long enough to answer his concerned questions, he grabbed his shot gun and took me home to get some warm clothes, check the house, leave a note for my mother,and lock up the house.

They let me stay in their house, made me a cup of tea, and wait till my mother got home, and come and fetch me. To say for the next few days, I was looking over my shoulder is an understatement. My mother had to take me to the doctors to get me some drugs to settle me down.

Point is, the people who do these things have no idea what the person they are trying to trick has been through.

This nurse made a big mistake. A mistake she would not have made if two Australian radio personality's hadn't thought it would be a laugh to act like the QUEEN. So Kate is in hospital for morning sickness. She wouldn't be the first mother in the world to do so. It is private. Leave them the fuck alone. Or do we want another Princess Diana on our hands? 

We don't know what this nurses life was like? How sad she was, what she was dealing with.  All we know is this incident sadly tipped her over the edge.

Can you image the trouble she was in? The hospital board, alone. She may have been faced with a fine, loss of job, and she was certainly faced with the WHOLE WORLD, literally, knowing she had spoken about a patient on an Australian national radio station and had it beamed about the social media networks, TV, and newspapers into EVERYONE'S faces. Everyone now knew who she was, and what she did.

Is this a reason to kill yourself? No. But it may have been the cherry on top for this woman? We do not know what happened to her after that? We don't know what punishment she was headed for? Breech of confidentiality is a big deal. Making it a member of the Royal family only makes it 50 time worse!

PRANKS are NEVER FUNNY, and I hope that these two radio presenters learn a valuable lesson from this. I would not want to be them and having the death of someone on my conscience! I feel for the nurses family and friends, work mates, who now have this sad event hanging over them this Christmas.

Don't mess with people for fun. You don't have any idea what damage you may be causing!


  1. What an awful thing to happen to you. So glad you had good neighbours to look after you.

    This whole radio thing is ridiculous and so very sad that a young woman was sent over the edge by it all.
    As you say, it is quite possible the poor thing was disciplined by her employer over it.

    And I bet all the radio presenters cop is a slap on the wrist

    1. It's OK Mynx, it was a long time ago now. I grew to be a lot stronger because of it. They were very nice neighbours, and I will never forget their kindness.

      I think the whole radio community at the moment is shitting themselves. Let's hope we go back to good old radio, with music, and awesome support fun raisers, with fabulous give-aways!
