Let’s talk about SEX!
“Satisfaction: The Art of the Female Orgasm”
I wonder if I have caught your attention? 
I would like to firstly congratulate Kim and Mark, on writing such a beautiful book. Not only is it well written, but tastefully and artfully illustrated too. That's right pictures!
This book is a step by step guide on how to please your woman. It helps explain things that even we women can't put into words, and it is so on the money! If you want a book to help improve your sexual satisfaction then look no more. This book covers it!
I learnt that we women even have a preference. Some of us like to go clock wise, and some are anti-clock wise, and it makes the world of difference. So now you are thinking aren't you?? How easy is that description for your man? "Go Clock wise Honey, mmmmm, yes thank you!" So ladies, first discover which way your motor runs best, and then tell you partner so he isn't sweating for ages trying his loving best and you are anxiously not wanting to hurt his feelings, but extremely frustrated that the climax is hanging just out of reach.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if women stopped experiencing this....
....and started experiencing more of this !
I also learnt that the clitoris was more than just that little pleasure bud hidden between the folds of your womanly bits. In fact it is quite large and is more shaped like a wish bone. Simulating it can be achieved via many directions, and with mind blowing results.
You can also learn more about this fact here~ http://dodsonandross.com/blogs/carlin-ross/2012/02/erectile-tissue-clitoris
In fact " Satisfaction: The art of the Female Orgasm" would be a fantastic book to educate young teenagers instead of that so called 'Sex Education' they get in school. How can you expect to teach these teenagers how to respect, and please each other if you only concentrate on the basic STD's, Condoms, and Periods! My daughter told me they didn't even use a realistic looking penis for the condom demonstration, but used a banana instead. Nor did they take it seriously, as they all felt silly and laughed. They didn't even get to touch a condom, or have a go at the banana! Don't laugh, is it any wonder so many kids are clueless and make basic mistakes with their protection. If you are going to 'EDUCATE' them well don't just give them half the information!
There is no use acting like our kids are all so innocent. They see more sex on TV, Movies, and over the Internet, than we ever did at the same age. The world of computers has changed everything, and it is much easier for a young boy to source porn now, than back in the days when he would either have to find his dad's stash, (without him finding out), or buy his own, (again another world of issues), plus not let mum find them under the bed when she changes the sheets!
What annoys me about sex education is that they omit RELATIONSHIPS/LOVE out of it. Too many young teenagers are having sex far too early and for all the wrong reasons. By the time sex education comes along more than 50% are already active. So wouldn't it make sense then to explore the more emotional side, and pleasure side, and perhaps even turn out less selfish men, and more satisfied women? It might even improve the divorce rates? Shouldn't we want to empower more of our young to make the right choices?
Teenagers are just raging hormones. The book 'Puberty Blues' was great in the day at illustrating this fact. They have even made a TV series on the book now. Well here in Australia . I haven't watched it so I cannot comment. But I have seen the movie.
Basically boys really just want to get off, and if a girl is willing to do the honours, either by hand, mouth, vagina or anus, he is over the moon! The problem is the girl thinks that he will like her more (well in those few minutes he certainly does!) She then becomes totally crushed when she becomes the notch on his belt and the talk of the school yard.
I remember when I was in High School. Some of my friends started dating, and of course if the relationship lasted more than a few weeks, it was considered serious. Well everything to a teenager is so very important to them right in that moment. They can't see the future. They seem to have problems with consideration of others outside their own immediate needs. So when the guy starts to move the hands about and explore he will keep going till the girl says stop. If he is a respectful boy he will listen, if he is only out for the golden prize he will resort to blackmail.
My best friend at 14 found herself in such a situation. She was dating an older boy from another school. He was very pushy. She was very inexperienced, it was her first boyfriend. He started putting on the heavy word. Things like "If you LOVE ME you would" and getting all shitty and making her feel like the bad guy. She confided in me one lunch time. Not sure why me, I hadn't even kissed a guy. She knew that if she didn't 'DO IT' this weekend he would dump her. Romantic I know! Well my gut told me this guy was a jerk, but she was really mixed with her feelings. As I had no real experienced with boys I wasn't able to understand what she meant, why she was so torn and frustrated with herself and him. I totally get it now, she was getting all sexually turned on, and had no way of dealing with these feelings, and this is why Sex Education SHOULD cover these issues!
What she was feeling with him in the moment was nice. Really nice. Her body was wanting more, but her head was not sure. Let's face it, dating a guy for a month when you are in high school, and I am talking back in the day when there was no FACE BOOK, mobile phones etc... We had to WRITE LETTERS and post them.....I am moving off topic, Sorry....
She wasn't feeling safe in the relationship; she wasn't IN LOVE with him. Basically she wasn't really ready for this yet. We could say she was maybe IN LUST with him?? Her body was responding naturally to certain touches. Let's not lie, fooling around is fun. Very fun! But of course us girls have more to worry about. Going all the way could mean an STD or a baby if you’re not careful, and that is a real fear.
I remember telling her that she should just go with her gut, and not be bullied into it. I thought he wasn't cool, but she was all a bit starry eyed. Well anyway, said weekend arrived, and they had his place to themselves for a few hours. He got all hot and heavy, and she gave in as he had gotten some condoms. I know, hats off to this guy, he thinks of everything. The story she told me has never left me. I am actually grateful to have been educated like this; she did me a HUGE favour. He basically put on the condom, and lay her on the sofa (style, such style) and went in for the kill! Her words and I quote were 'It hurt, it really hurt' and he was totally blind to her pain. I mean she was ready right? Totally shit scared and dry as a bone, and tense, ready right? She started crying, and she just lay there crying till he was done, which was pretty quickly, for which she was very grateful.
YUCK! What a HORRID FIRST TIME. Shame on that boy’s father for not teaching him how to respect a woman!!! Oh and he dumped her a few days later too. Classy guy!
Now, what if she had some knowledge up her sleeve? What if she knew more about her own body first? What if she understood more about herself? What I love about this book is that it teaches women and men about a woman's body. Guys seem to just fall into masturbation. They are always in a love affair with there best friend. I have little boys and they love their Willy's! "Look mummy, when I do this it goes all straight!" Yes I will tell them that one day when they are older. Point is they seem born with a natural fascination with it. It sticks out, always in view, and they handle it everyday. After discovering, usually innocently what it can do, they never stop. Really, they never do, and ladies don't think just because you are married, and they have all of the ‘sweet shop’ that they stop, THEY NEVER STOP, and that is NORMAL and very OK.
For most of us women, things are different. We are almost dormant until awakened. Our bits are all tucked away, hidden, and very much out of the way. It bleeds, and is usually not very liked at all. We have to learn to love our woman bits, where as men have never not LOVED their Willy! Even today, not many girls have actually grabbed a mirror and had a look, and when we do most think YUCK!
But until you can find pleasure and acceptance with your body, you will never fully enjoy, or get the most out of any sexual encounter. So what if she had known how to pleasure herself? It would have certainly helped reduce the urgency of having a guy do it. She would have had a better understanding of what she liked in terms of touching. What if he was aware of how to please a woman? What if he had spent some time getting her ready, kissing, licking touching, turning her on, and blowing her mind? They both probably would have had a better time. Well she would have!
Girls often regret their first time. I have heard countless times a girl saying "I wish I had waited" or "I wish so and so was my first, as he really cares about me".
That is exactly my point. I learnt from my dear friend that:
a) I never want to feel that kind of pain.
b) If a guy really loved me he wouldn't want to hurt me.
c) That if he really respected me he would wait till I was ready too.
My friend’s world changed that day. I saw a physical change in her. She was no longer ever the same. She was hardened a little, and she also had an “Oh well, I have lost my virginity now, so who cares” attitude. She dated a lot, as she was known to put out, and she did. Back of cars, at the beach, it was scary. Lying to her parents, saying she was sleeping over at friend’s homes, when she was actually hanging out drinking, her way of coping with it, and sleeping around. She just didn't care. It really made me sad. She was so very unhappy for a long time. Of course now she is married and has kids, and the last time I saw her she was happy, but she lost more that weekend than her virginity, she lost her innocence, and her wonder, and trust in LOVE.
Now Kim Cattrall (she played Samantha from the Sex in the City) admits she never had an orgasm till she met Mark Levinson. He was her third hubby I believe. It was his love and devotion that eventually allowed her to fully open up and explore and finally enjoy SEX. They wrote the book “Satisfaction: The Art of the Female Orgasm”, because of this. Kim wanted to help other women, who like her, just were not getting satisfied in the bedroom. Now you wouldn't think that sexy Samantha who slept with most of the men in New York would be utterly clueless in her own pleasure now would you? But there you have it, she was, and she was so sad about it. Makes me wonder about all the men she slept with!
Sometimes it just takes someone to give a damn. Who isn't SELFISH, it helps to be committed. It helps to know your own body, and how it can sometimes think you’re ready for things when you are not.
Kids think sex is where it’s at. Some believe oral sex isn't even having sex at all! Don't get me started on that issue!
Young boys should be taught how to give oral sex too! They are very ready to thrust their member into a girl’s mouth with instructions 'DON'T BITE' but how many actually care to return the favour? Now not everyone finds oral sex to be of their liking, but I can't imagine having great sex without it somewhere. My best orgasms have resulted from fantastic Cunnilingus. Not all us girls can cum through intercourse alone, and fact is most of us can't. So if you can, well done you! It makes me very mad when I hear guys saying, and I have, "There is no way I am going down on a girl" but they fully expect blow jobs! It makes me want to slap their Willy's right off!
I came upon this book
at our local library, and honestly was surprised by its honesty, and down to
earth brilliant advice. They discuss concepts such as love, trust,
communication, from both a male and female perceptive, and as I think I have
said the illustrations are beautiful and very instructive. If you have young
teenagers get this book to them before they cause emotional damage to someone
or themselves. If you are going to have sex, you might as well really enjoy it,
right, or what's the point??
Here is what some people have said about the book~
Editorial Reviews
"This book is a GREAT guide for oral sex, and really only touches lightly on anything else (to avoid redundancy, according to the authors. To paraphrase, "many great books have been written on technique in intercourse" etc.) The authors were very specific in the problems pleasing most women, orally and otherwise. It addresses that all women are different, there's nothing that will work on everyone, and tips on how to find out what your female partner enjoys. Even men (and women) that *think* they know how to satisfy a woman would learn something from this sensitive, well-written book. It's full of sexy secrets that will bring something new to bed...or improve old acts."
So let’s not rely on PORN to teach our men how to please us in the bedroom. Let's start getting honest, and caring, and teaching our young properly. I gave my daughter this book to read, and she although very red faced and embarrassed, was grateful for the extremely helpful advice. She learnt much about herself. I wish my mother had told me more.(She told me zip!) I was lucky, or was smart, to wait for the right man to come along. He was caring and patient and very happy to take his time. We had much fun learning about our bodies, and it was loving and slow, and by the time we felt ready to go all the way, we had perfected the art of ‘outer course’ for us. He knows exactly how to make me ‘shake’ and that is something each couple has to learn. He is also responsible for teaching me how to masturbate too! For which I am grateful for. Oh come on, why should the boys get all the fun!
I urge everyone to take a look at this book. It is just brilliant. It's up to us to teach our kids too. Wouldn't you want then to be happy in all areas of life? Inform your young, and they will make better choices.
A very thought provoking post. I have certainly spoken to my boys about love and respect for not only their partner but also themselves being the most important part of any intamacy.
ReplyDeleteIn return I usually get a "Yes mum"
I can be so embarressing sometimes
That is fantastic. More parents should. It is still some way off for my boys, but they will get the same advice as their big sister, and the same books! ^_^
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DeleteI remember telling my daughter often that if a guy had no idea what a clitoris is, nor had any interest in it, she should run a mile.Her father backed up that statement too. I warned her about the guys who will do and say anything to get off on you. I always instilled in her that if a guy really cared about her he would not have any issues waiting until she felt ready, and that he would be more than happy to perform oral and make sure you were fully satisfied too. ( As much as she cringed, and was all Yeah OK MUM! She was listening.) Thankfully she too had a few friends who got used along the way, and was able to see for herself that her dear old mama wasn't telling her any lies.
ReplyDeleteI wish this book had been available when I was a kid. In those days we didn't even have Sex-Ed classes in school, plus, my parents never tried to teach us anything about sex. I had to learn everything I now know on my own.
ReplyDeleteWe had some sex ed when I was in high school, but it was done by the nuns so you can imagine it was very basic. Mostly about our menstrual cycles, and sex only in marriage. You get the idea. Oh, we did get to watch a video of a real life abortion. That is something I will never forget. It was very horrific, and for me at least help me keep my legs together for a long time.
ReplyDeleteI think the difference between caring loving people and the others, is that even if you are not sure, you are willing to embrace and learn. Both my hubby and I were very in-experienced, but we loved each other, and we enjoyed pleasing each other. We read books like "Every Woman" and "Every Man". Basic books, but they informed us enough. He of course introduced me to dirty mags, and the occasional porn video.That was an education! We soon learnt what was real and what was fake/acted. Now there are so many books out there and even explicit teaching DVD's which are actually very tasteful and instructive. I must ask hubby and get the links and share them. I wish they were around 20 years ago too. Then maybe what we learnt in our 40's we could have been enjoying in our 20's! I guess you are never too old to learn something new! ^_^