Saturday, 21 June 2014

NOT A HAPPY GIRL...........

How can you ruin my weekend off............?

1) Get a phone call an hour before my alarm is due to go off and wake both hubby and I up. (Was already loosing my sleep in cause of workmen coming to the house early morning. EARLY)

2) Have the workman show up an hour EARLY! Thank goodness for the phone call. But still catching me getting out of the shower! FUCK!

3) Spend the day cooking and cleaning so that SUNDAY I can SLEEP IN, and DO NOTHING. Only the ironing, but mostly nothing but sleep in and chill.

4) Try and have a nap so that I can have a DATE night with my man, been looking forward to it for days, because I am already tired, cause I didn't get enough sleep last night, because I stayed up to hand out with HUBBY, so that I will not fall asleep, and be able to keep up with my man in his hours. I am talking getting to bed around 3 am ish.

5) Leave instructions with your child to not let you sleep past 6.30 pm. I just want a nap for an hour.

6) Have younger child wake me at 6 pm, thinking it is 6.30 then bounce a tennis ball down the hall till I yell at him to STOP you are trying to NAP!

7) Have child with instructions to wake you at 6.30 pm wake you at 7 pm, and tell you the workman who was here today called, and will be back at 8AM in the morning! (Why? We don't know, he was done today) Why 8 AM Sunday FUCKING MORNING??..... Because that is when said CHILD TOLD HIM I WOULD BE UP AND AWAKE! 

8) Have no way to call him back as I don't have his number. Tried my agents after-hours number and she is away on leave and as a message telling me to contact the office which does not open till MONDAY MORNING.

To say that he got the telling off of a life time is putting it mildly.
1) Because he should not be answering the phone.
2) He should come and get me.

I know he was trying to be helpful, but I can do without that. Oh and what mindset does a workman have making arrangements with an little boy??? FOR FUCK SAKE.

Then I see same CHILD decided that my LASAGNE which I spent making from scratch since the early hours of this morning,  for our lunch and dinner......2 trays.........WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO HAVE FOR BOTH MEALS.


So late tonight when I am hanging out with my man, late cause he is at work, I will have in the back of my mind that I have to be up at 7 AM so that I can be AWAKE and DRESSED for a bloody workman, instead of having a relaxed CHILD FREE, ADULT NIGHT with my HUSBAND. 

Yeah not exactly ROMANCE inducing. Bad enough that he gets home so bloody late, bad enough SATURDAY night is our ONLY FREE NIGHT of the week, cause child one stays at her boyfriends house and I put the boys in bed so that they are peacefully sleeping, IT IS THE CLOSEST thing to CHILD FREE as we can GET.

Tonight was for a nice meal, movie, sweet kisses, and HOT SEX.

Now I will have a pissed off husband, and a stressed out me, as I have no idea WHY he is coming, he fixed what he could fix, and told me he could fix the other thing as it will need replacing and he would call the agent MONDAY. 

What I feel like doing to my son's HEAD!

We will not have this opportunity for another 2 weeks...and by then I probably will have my period. So yes I am NOT HAPPY.



  1. Well he is HERE! Sunday morning...........but he is 3 hours late!

    My hubby stayed up this morning so I could sleep. When he got home last night I had settled down, but was still mad about it. He just said, "it's ok, I'll stay up till he is gone. You don't have to deal with it." and then smiled at me with that smile that just makes me weak at the knees.

    So my baby did stay up, and we still had our date night, and I slept. At almost 10 am I woke up and realised he still hadn't come to bed. I got up to find that said WORKMAN, was still not here!

    I questioned my son again...."Are you SURE he said SUNDAY morning.....not MONDAY?"

    I tagged hubby and he went to bed exhausted.

    An Hour later the door bell goes.


    NOT HERE FOR THE REPAIRS he said he couldn't do!

    When I said we were expecting you at 8am, he just said "yeah, probably should have called." YOU THINK!

    Now he is on the roof, and making noise, and has roped child 2 into giving him a hand! WHAT THE FUCK?

    My son said he wasn't fussed, and didn't want me to say anything, but I am not impressed.

    I will be telling my agent about his unprofessional conduct.

    Oh and my EMERGENCY call to the agents after hours number last night.............STILL WAITING for them to call me back. Too bad if I had a REAL EMERGENCY.

    The JOYS OF really are a second class citizen.

  2. After an hour of using my kid as his personal assistant, I went out and called him inside for lunch! Now do what you are getting paid OVERTIME rates for and leave us to get on with our day! BLOODY HELL!

  3. Understandable frustration. I sympathize and empathize. Any chance of risking sleep deprivation to get your naughty on? What kind of handyman actually works on Sunday? I can barely convince a contractor to come over promptly on a specific date, but Sunday would be unheard of. Good luck to you.

  4. He must be a friend of our landlord. (mate rates???) But I will always risk sleep deprivation to get my naughty on! LOL

    I guess my weekends are precious, cause they only come once a fortnight on my roster, so I really look forward to them. I really need that time to chill, and have fun, and sleep, in amongst the daily chores of life and motherhood. I am jealous of this time I have with my husband. I need it. We need it. So to have silly trades people arranging things with your 11 year old son, for a Sunday morning, just really gets under my skin.

    But I have been told that my reaction to this event was "over the top" That I just need to "settle the fuck down"

    It is done now. It is over, but I still think the guy was unprofessional, late and very cheeky to use my kid as a lackey. However for the sake of peace and harmony, I will let this bone down.

    My son is now very aware that he can never do this again. He has learnt a lesson. He will come get me or his father, or take down a phone number so that I can call them back, but he will never OK something like this again. He is actually totally on page. He gets it. I don't think he liked doing cleaning up jobs on his only day to be inside gaming. ^_^
