Saturday, 28 September 2013

Still alive and kicking.....

Sorry I have been a bit slack on the writing, it seems since turning 44, my life has just gotten , well I am not sure which exactly...either faster, busier, fuller, or who knows what?? All good though, which is fantastic.

I have been a little lost in books, and high tech toys, i.e. my new tablet. I am enjoying discovering this new way to navigate the world, but I have to admit I still prefer my computer, and a new laptop would have been just PERFECT.

I think it's size is a tad small, 8" screen and not must edge, so when I read I keep accidentally turning off pages and turning them etc.... I also find reading and posting for face book  not as fun, just looks different, and I can't insert my faces and pictures like I do on the computer, and of course I can not farm. Bahahaha. (that is FARM VILLE in case you where wondering)

I have however recently discovered an app for music, kindly suggested by a dear face book friend. She knows who she is.... it is called PANDORA, and I LOVE IT!

Now my Tablet as turned into an iPod on steroids, and I am discovering a lot of music and songs that I love hearing, and I have no silly ads or daft commenting to wait through. So far I have spent a few hours giving thumbs up and thumbs down, and book marking my favourites. 

Music really does have a healing effect on the soul don't you think? My iPod was my 40th birthday present. I loved it all for about 2 weeks. After that my hubby added too many of his songs to it. Oh I liked them too, but there was way too much of the same artist. REALLY, 5 different versions of the same song type thing. I only need one. I LOVE variety. Then he would borrow it, which I didn't mind at all, but he would forget to re-charge it, which I did mind, and so when I was in the mood to listen to music, it was dead. We didn't have a dock then, so it was  a case of waiting to have the computer or a spare the time it was done the moment was over.

Then the computer I had set up my iTunes library on shit it self, and now to my horror, my new iTunes library will not accept all the songs from my iPod, or refuses to play them stating that the file is missing, or something to that effect and so I am stuck with an iPod of music I am now bored with and can't delete to make room for more. So Pandora radio is a welcome breath of fresh air.

I had it cranking today, well as loud as my little tablet will let me go, which isn't loud enough for some songs,  while I was cleaning, and cooking, and the boys where all doing their own thing, and Missy pants was on a date with her new bo. So no one in my way, no one telling me to shut-up, (my singing is just fabulous I'll have you know), or need something, or that they don't like that, it was just me, and my LOVE POP TUNES, and I cooked up a delightful experimental lunch, just with the odd bits of what I had about and it was just yummo. I usually cook my best when left the fuck alone, and happy.

What also has been really lovely is that hubby has been a bit sick. No it's not lovely that he has been sick, please let me explain.....because of this he has somewhat re-tuned his body clock. He has been going to bed with me, and getting up with me, and spending the day with us, and it has been just wonderful. I need that, even if we are doing our own things, we can be together. Today we had breakfast in bed. We just got up and went back, the boys were happy playing their games, school holidays, bliss......we both had our tablets, and he was watching you-tube, while I checked face-book, and then read a chapter of my latest book. "City Of Bones" not sure if I am really into it yet... to soon to say, so far not my thing really, but I have been assured that if I enjoyed "Twilight" which I did, then I will love this too....we shall see...............................

Hubby is at work now, and all the children are home and accounted for. Dinner is done, and dishes still wait, but all in all it's been a nicely paced day.

A few other things need sorting, health wise, which I am too happy to want to really think about right now. But I have this week done the most  silliest thing....... I bought myself some phone credit the last time I went shopping. Then I decided to clean out the handbag on bin night. Can you see where I am going with this story??? Yep, I did, I saw that docket and thought why the hell do I have thing ruddy thing in here, and tossed it out without a second thought. Hubby is suggesting again I need to go blonde and just get it over with.

HAVE A LOVELY WEEKEND. Remember we may have bad days, but we don't have a bad life.  


  1. Criss, technology advances to rapidly for me. I'm old, and it has been said that you can't teach old dogs new tricks.

    May you have many more "nicely paced" days.

  2. So happy you re loving Pandora like I am. I have an inexpensive set of speakers that I can plug my iPad into so I can crank my music louder. Might be worth checking into it for you.

    1. Not sure if it has a port. I do love it. However I discovered tonight that all the songs I have thumbed up, only play back as a sample. I was thinking I was creating a play list. But now I know what songs to have on my next music usb.

    2. Not sure if it has a port. I do love it. However I discovered tonight that all the songs I have thumbed up, only play back as a sample. I was thinking I was creating a play list. But now I know what songs to have on my next music usb.
